Living Churchyard

Living Churchyard Project

The project started 5 years ago, and the margin of the north side of the churchyard was then quite overgrown, although the hedge had recently been re-laid, with scrub beginning to invade the grassy area. The aim was to create a corner of the churchyard that would be beneficial for wildlife, whilst having visual appeal as well.

The first working party cut down the invading blackthorn scrub and tree saplings, trimmed the hedge and cut and removed the grass. This has been an annual task since then. The only introduced plant since then has been Yellow Rattle, which is a flower that parasitises the grass, weakening it, which allows the flower species to compete with the grass. All the other plant species were either there already or have blown in since.

Each year we need to carry out some routine maintenance work on the project area in order for it to remain in good condition from a flower, and therefore insect, perspective.

The work includes –

  • Trimming the hedge and picking up the trimmings
  • Cutting out any tree seedlings and invading blackthorn shoots from the grass areas
  • Cutting the grass and picking up and removing

The following are proposed times and dates for this year’s work, (subject to weather conditions)

  • Saturday 26th September at 2.00 p.m.
  • Wednesday 30th September at 10.00 a.m.
  • Saturday 3rd October at 2.00 p.m.
  • Wednesday 7th October at 10.00 a.m.

We usually spend about 2 hours at each session. There’s time to chat, and its not excessively physical work.

If you fancy coming along to give a hand, for whatever amount of time and whatever days, it would be greatly appreciated.

It’s a good idea to bring along some gardening gloves to protect against any thorns, and secateurs, loppers, spring-tine rakes are useful if you have them.

If you’re interested, or want to discuss further, please give Steve Davies a ring on 01666 577456.

Steve Davies